Integrative Approach
We live in an era defined by communication and information. It’s crucial to understand that the human body’s functioning depends on cell-to-cell information exchange.
OwnSignal Technology restores this balance in a customized manner, adapting to modern demands.
OST integrates traditional knowledge with sophisticated technology and Western human biology insights.

Recent scientific findings reveal that cells communicate via flashes of light, using specific frequencies for information exchange.
In a healthy body, this exchange happens seamlessly, allowing cells to function without hindrance, and maintaining cellular coherence.

Similarly, the Traditional Meridian System operates on these principles.
According to Oriental Medicine, meridians form a network through which vital energy, or qi, flows. Meridians are channels facilitating smooth energy flow throughout the body.
Each meridian has defined frequency ranges, with individual variations. When coherence exists, particle-wave patterns synchronize, reflecting a healthy balanced, harmonious body. Incoherence indicates an unhealthy, dysfunctional state, where pain or illness may occur.

The Meridian System is a concept within traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that involves a network of channels or pathways throughout the body through which vital energy, known as Qi, flows. According to TCM theory, there are twelve primary meridians and eight extraordinary meridians that form this system. The Meridian System is believed to play a vital role in maintaining the balance and harmony of the body’s energy. It is viewed as a complex energetic network that connects various organs, tissues, and physiological functions. Each meridian is associated with specific organs and has its own pathway along which Qi flows. In TCM, it is believed that the flow of Qi along the meridians affects the overall health and well-being of an individual. When the flow of Qi is smooth and balanced, it is considered a sign of good health. However, if there are blockages or imbalances in the meridians, it is thought to lead to physical or emotional ailments. TCM practitioners use various techniques such as acupuncture, acupressure, and herbal medicine to restore balance and enhance the flow of Qi in the meridians. These techniques aim to stimulate specific points along the meridians to regulate and harmonize the body’s energy. While the Meridian System is a fundamental concept in TCM, it is important to note that its understanding and interpretation are rooted in traditional Chinese medical philosophy and may differ from Western medical perspectives.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
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